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The Santiago Bernabéu, built by FCC Construcción, chosen as the best stadium in the world by the World Football Summit


The Santiago Bernabéu, designed and built by FCC Construcción, has been recognised as the best stadium in the world in 2024 by the World Football Summit (WFS), the leading platform for the global football industry. The award highlights the innovative features of the Santiago Bernabéu and its ambitious vision to redefin...


FCC Construcción occupies 29th place in ENR 2024's international list of contractors


If we look at the list of global contracting by companies, we can see that FCC occupies 48th position, improving by five positions with respect to the 2023 edition.


FCC Construcción Preferred Proponent for the Fraser River Tunnel project (Canada)


The Cross Fraser Partnership consortium, of which FCC Construcción is a member, has been selected as the Preferred Proponent for the Fraser River Tunnel project (British Columbia), signing a Design Early Works Agreement for the project.


FCC Construcción publishes its 2023 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report


For yet another year, FCC Construcción proudly presents its Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report (hereinafter GHG). This report details the calculation of GHG emissions for the year 2023, encompassing, for the fourth consecutive year, 100% of the activities conducted at FCC Construcción sites and fixed centres across Spain,...


The Human Resources team of the Riyadh Metro project recognised by the Ministry of Human Resources of Saudi Arabia


The Human Resources team of the Riyadh Metro project has been recognised by the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Human Resources for its excellence in maintaining the Wage Protection System (WPS). This award recognises FCC's commitment to delivering quality results and ensuring compliance with the standards set by the country...


FCC Construcción begins installing the inmense beams on the Industrial Bridge (Chile)


FCC Construcción has begun installing the seven inmense beams on the Los Batros viaduct as part of the project to build the Industrial Bridge over the Bio Bio River. This constitutes progress on the Industrial Bridge in what will be a notable improvement, when completed, in connectivity to the south of the Bio Bio. Th...


FCC is the third largest Spanish construction company in the world for the second consecutive year according to Deloitte's Global Powers of Construction


FCC is the third largest Spanish construction company in the world for the second year in a row, according to Deloitte's Global Powers of Construction. ACS improves its position as the leading Spanish company, moving up from 12th to 11th place.


FCC’s net profit rises 9.2% in the first half of the year


FCC posted an attributable net result of €279.6 million in the first half of the year, up 9.2% on the same period of 2023.


The FCC Group's construction division increases its revenues to 1,406 million euros in the first half of 2024


The FCC Group's construction division increased its revenues by 9.7% to 1,406.9 million euro in the first half of 2024. The start of the new projects awarded, as well as the good performance of the projects under execution, among which the Industrial projects under development stand out, are the following of renewable ...


FCC Construcción completes the bridge over the Alberche River (Madrid) in record time


The president of the Community of Madrid has inaugurated the three bridges in Aldea del Fresno that were collapsed by the DANA. One of the bridges was built by FCC Construcción in record time, specifically the bridge over the Alberche River in the municipality of Aldea del Fresno, which connects this town with the town...