Without accidents 

The reduction of accidents remains a priority objective. Bearing in mind that the accident profiles in our activity sector are changing as our activities, personnel and global circumstances do, the information obtained from the Accident and Incident Reports received by the construction area of the FCC Group is especially valuable and constitutes a basic work tool to reach "0 Accidents".

Limiting how we limit, through our objectives, the achieved values of the frequency, severity, incidence and absenteeism indexes, we only reinforce the control of accident trends at the local and global level of our organization.

The management of training, as a fundamental resource for the achievement of our objectives, constitutes a fundamental indicator in the planning of preventive activities of our organizations.

Related to the implementation of preventive programs and preventive actions, the focus of the company from the point of view of occupational health and safety is broader taking into account the aspects not only the absence of damage or illness but also the welfare state of our workers.

The pillars for achieving such an ambitious goal are: