
Citizen participation plan in the paving work between the towns of Puerto Nuevo and Quillaico, in Chile

Description of social and environmental action.

Needs detected:

It is important to note that this work is located in a place with great landscape value, being an important part of the tour of the tourists in the area, so it has been decided to create a fluid line of communication with the population over which it influences directly, specifically the owners, tourists and road users.

Solutions adopted:

FCC Construcción has prepared a Citizen Participation Plan, basically aimed at maintaining adequate communication and coordination with the technical organizations related to the work and ensuring a correct flow of information to the community and users of the route.

According to the Citizen Participation Manual, the process consists of three key components, which constitute the sequence of steps in the plan.

  1. Strategic and Targeted Analysis: a preliminary evaluation of the project and of the particularities of the natural and social environment closest to it is carried out, identifying the key actors and defining the participation strategies
  2. Design of the Operational Program: the activities, deadlines, responsible parties are defined and disseminated to the different audiences, through diptychs, posters, meetings, radio publications, etc.
  3. Implementation and Monitoring: the communication and information activities to be implemented are defined and verification of compliance and impacts of the Citizen Participation Plan is carried out.


The results were optimal.