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Recognition of our work in 2007

In 2007, the work of FCC Construcción was recognised with the following awards:

  • Mies Van der Rohe Contemporary Architecture Prize awarded by the European Union and the Mies Van der Rohe Foundation to the MUSAC, the Contemporary Arts Museum in León.

Premio de arquitectura contemporánea Mies Van der Rohe-construccion

  • Puente de Alcántara International Prize for the Terminal T4 in Madrid Barajas airport, awarded by the Fundación San Benito Alcántara .

Premio Internacional Puente de Alcántara-construccion

  • Finalist for the Construmat 2007 Prize, with the Navia Viaduct and the Badalona Port in the civil engineering category

Finalista del Premio Construmat 2007-construccion

  • City of Barcelona Prizes: Awarded by Barcelona City Council to the Illa Londres project, including a primary school, a kindergarten and apartments for young people
  • Civitas Nova Prizes: Prize for architectural culture and sustainable town planning for the El Toyo estate, Almería.
  • Expansión-Garrigues-CIIS Environment Prize, in the sustainability and corporate social responsibility categories
  • Annual Deal of the Year award, Latin America category. Awarded by the Euromoney group through its international magazine Project Finance to Global Via for the financing of the San José- Caldera road concession.
  • Qualitas Prize to Megaplas awarded by the FIAT group for its quality and excellent service