RRC and FCC Construccion win the contract for the execution of the Gouvaes dam in Portugal

Ramalho Rosa Cobetar and FCC Construccion have been awarded the construction contract for the Gouvaes dam in Portugal. The project has an execution time of 35 months and a budget of 18 million euros.
The aim of the Gouvaes dam is the hydroelectric use of the Torno river, a tributary of the Tamega river, located in the municipality of Vila Pouca de Aguiar, province of Vila Real.
The dam will have a maximum height of 30 meters above the foundation and 232.7 meters in length at the top. The total volume of the dam is approximately 43,000 cubic meters. The Gouvães reservoir will have a capacity of 13.7 cubic hectometres.
The Iberdrola Generacion project is part of the Alto Tâmega Hydroelectric Complex, which is one of the largest hydroelectric projects carried out in Europe in the last 25 years. It has a planned investment of 1,200 million euros, and will manage an installation capacity of 1,200 megawatts (MW), reaching an annual output of 1,800 gigawatt hours (GWh), that is, 4% of the electricity consumption of Portugal.