CYBERSEC (Research in Emerging technologies to achieve Cyber Secure and Resilient Infrastructures) is a multisectoral and multidisciplinary R&D Consortium with effective collaboration, formed by 8 top-level technology and infrastructure management companies, led by VODAFONE and supported by 5 Organizations Research Center in Spain.
The objective of the CYBERSEC project is to investigate various technologies, techniques, tools, methodologies and knowledge aimed at developing technological solutions for securing against cyberattacks of highly critical connected environments, such as Industry 4.0, Smart Cities or critical Infrastructures.
New digital technologies are being massively adopted in practically all socioeconomic sectors, from industry to agriculture, through health, defense, construction or the global management of public services. Likewise, digital technologies are in continuous development, providing new and better solutions. All this implies a significant improvement in the management of practically all socio-economic processes, in terms of cost reduction, quality improvement, generation of new services, democratization of information and improvement of user experiences.
However, this high level of digitization, together with the continuous profusion of new technologies, generates important vulnerabilities in the systems, which are exploited by cybercriminals (hackers) to carry out attacks in order to interrupt the service, theft or hijacking of stored information or identity theft. In addition to attacks, these systems are also exposed to system failures, human errors, and environmental disruptions.
The Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), answering to the Ministry of Science and Innovation, has awarded a grant for the development of the Project “CYBERSEC: RESEARCH IN EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES TO ACHIEVE CYBER SECURE AND RESILIENT INFRASTRUCTURES” within the call for the CIEN-20200003 Strategic Programme, with reference number IDI-20201114.

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