FCC takes part in "Learning how to live securely" workshop held in the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Mexico
FCC takes part in "Learning how to live securely" workshop held in the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Mexico

The Security Commission of CAMESCOM in Mexico was set up this year following a proposal put forward by some of its members with a view to promote and disseminate the culture of safety and cyber security among colleagues.
Joaquín González López, head of security for the FCC Group in America, and member of the Security Commission, came forward to highlight the importance of establishing effective measures to prevent offences and to protect citizens in an effort to guarantee a more secure future.
David Lee Zamora, national manager of the security campaign "For a more secure future", gave a dynamic talk entitled "Learning how to live securely" on how to tackle the issue of insecurity.
Although the speech centred around the current context of security in Mexico, in his talk David Lee proposed five steps, transposable to any setting, which should be followed by all citizens in order to prevent or undo the offence:
1. Information, as a knowledge process that should encourage us to reflect and recognise the necessary actions to counteract crime.
2. Risk analysis, to assess the threats present in our lives.
3. Plans, to react accordingly when faced with adverse events in a personal, family, neighbour, school, work and social context.
4. Security habits that are properly acquired, internalised and repeated to help minimise the possibility of becoming a victim.
5. Investing in equipment to enable us to live securely and to protect our lives and belongings; always with expert guidance.
Experts claim that 90% of success with tackling the crime is down to prevention, 5% owing to how we react and the rest, luck. These percentages emphasise the prominence of raising awareness of the topic in order to combat insecurity, reduce the number of victims and prevent young people from becoming criminals.
Lastly, with regard to the question and reflection of how we can play a part in changing Mexico, he called on the packed audience to join efforts to become part of the solution instead of the problem.
Along these lines, it would be highly worthwhile to read the Security Manual by David Lee. Follow his advice and guidelines to help build a more secure future for everyone.