FCC Construccion opens a new training center for employees of the company

The construction area of the FCC Group has inaugurated, in La Cantera la Valdeza, located in La Chorrera, the new training center for FCC employees in Panama, where interested parties can have access to the digital platform "Capacítate para el Empleo" of the Carlos Slim Foundation."
This free access platform for all people is free and has been designed so that those interested can learn very quickly and easily the various training activities that are of interest.
In the new center, employees have eight computers that are available to them and from there they can access the more than 150 available courses that the platform has, among which we can mention: welder, electrician, repairman of air conditioners, auxiliary accountant, data analyst, computer technician, among others.
This training center is part of a pilot test that, depending on the participation and attraction of different collaborators, will be implemented in other work centers of the company. This initiative urges collaborators to use the platform in homes and schools as educational support and professional training.