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Merseylink Environmental Team boosts biodiversity in Halton


Merseylink Environmental Team boosts biodiversity in Halton

The Merseylink team committed to protecting the environment has planted a wildflower meadow at Clifton roundabout in Runcorn at Junction 12 of the M56. This action is part of the Mersey Gateway project's long-term landscaping works carried out by FCC in the UK.


Merseylink Environmental Team boosts biodiversity in Halton

Several native wildflower species have been planted including: red poppies, white camomiles, blue cornflowers and yellow corn marigolds. The aim is to create a stable ecological bed by linking two important local habitats: Floodbrook Clough; an ancient semi-natural woodland that is designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest; and Clifton Lagoons, another site with a great botanical value.

The seeds, sourced from local environmental charity, Landlife, which is based at the National Wildflower Centre in Knowsley, were carefully mixed to attract pollinators such as butterflies and bees.

The wildflower meadows not only provide a unique visual display, but also create an essential haven for wildlife.

According to Hayley Percival, Merseylink's Environmental Coordinator of the scheme, "supporting the natural environment of each site and boosting biodiversity is something that Merseylink is extremely committed to".

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