FCC Construcción participates in the XI Civil Conference of the IST


FCC Construcción participates in the XI Civil Conference of the IST

FCC Construcción participates in the XI Civil Conference of the IST

FCC Construcción Portugal has been present at the Civil Conference of the Higher Technical Institute.

Annually, the Civil Forum organizes the Civil Conferences that take place at the beginning of the 2nd semester of each year and whose objective is to bring together, in one week, students, teachers and companies, around a common objective, to enhance the training of students and placing them at the center of the discussion.

The activities that have been developed are:

  • Lectures/Debates, where Civil Engineering topics are presented, given by several renowned guests in this area and in the business world;
  • Technical Visits, where you can visit works in progress and places of interest in the Lisbon area;
  • Workshops, where you can develop your soft skills;
  • Business Fair, with the presence of companies in the area and selected partners and where you can meet the companies and find possible internship/work opportunities;
  • Matchmaking Sessions, where you can get to know the companies and their representatives more closely and give them your CV;
  • Meet the Bosses, where company speakers share their experiences and advice for the future and answer all questions;
  • Civil Talks, short 20-minute conferences that follow the TEDTalks scheme, but dedicated to Civil Engineering topics;
  • Civil Lanche, which brings together students, teachers and alumni at the table and where many stories and experiences are shared;
  • Contests, where you can win prizes while you apply what you have learned in the course.

FCC Construcción Portugal is united and linked to students and the university environment, as a mechanism for attracting and retaining the company's talent.

More information at https://www.linkedin.com/company/forumcivil/