Case studies


1, 2, 3 bridge, three simple steps to arrive home safe

Description of the social and environmental activity


Creating awareness of the importance of using bridges as essential elements in safeguarding nine schools in the communities, located on the Cañas –Liberia section of the Carretera Interamericana in Costa Rica.


Rolling out a road awareness campaign geared towards students of nine schools adjacent to the section of road that FCC Construcción worked on. This action was designed and implemented by FCC Construcción in Costa Rica in collaboration with the Ministry for Public Works and Transport (MOPT), the Inter-American Development Bank (BID) and the Road Safety Council (COSEVI).


1,785 children benefited from the campaign, as well as teaching staff and neighbouring communities.

Strong bonds have been created in the communities near the projects and the attitudes of children towards safety have been greatly improved, boosting the trust of the communities and enhancing their quality of life.